Windy City Bone Rollers, year 2001 archive

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December, 2002

All uncommons. First game ended with a Treefolk/Gobin army doing a "Flood to Victory". Second game ended on health in play since everyone had an eighth face.

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November, 2002

Wow, we had 7 players show up for Battlefest. Maybe we should have broke it up into two games, but I think everyone enjoyed watching the different statagies that were brought to the game. We had some of the Death from Above (tons of blue magic), Arrows of Death (Amazon archers in reserves), and even the ever-famous All Dragonslayer army. Had to call the game on time, but still it was a fun night.

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October, 2002

Got in 2 games. The first game was won after all three of us got an eight face, and then Chuck's Feral got wiped out. Never attack a heavy army with cavarly. Between Amazon archers in reserves, and some magic (in a no mages game!), the rest of Chuck's Feral were gone. Pat and Rich fought over the resulting 7th face, and Pat won it for the game. The second game was joined by a newcomer to the Windy Cities Bone Rollers, Brad. The game ended being called on time. Since all of us had fought and won an eighth face, it came down to health in play. Rich won it, by a single health.

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September, 2002

Still experimenting with the new rules. We found that missle (from Amazons) from reserves is quite powerful. And Undead are a great support force for magic. The combination of Bullseye (from reserves) and then bury (Ashes to Ashes) from magic will just take out any army even at an eighth face.

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August, 2002

Just a couple of two player games. Didn't get any details.

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July, 2002

Had 2 four-player games, using the new rules. Also using the new Treefolk. Chuck won the first game with a Treefolk/Goblin Path to Victory. Jim won the second game on time, all four of us had an eighth face, but he had no dead and no buried, so won on health in play. And I have to say, putting an army thru a Wall of Thorns is pretty deadly. Ouch.

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June, 2002

Monster Bash was fun even if there were only two of us. Gotta love those not-often-seen SAIs.

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May, 2002

The all common army format was fun. Nice not to have to look up SAIs. We got in two games. Both games ended with a Path to Victory. Watch out for Swampland Standing Stones!

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April, 2002

Actually got in 2 three player games. First game had Jim with Undead (3 Dracoliches!), Rich with Firewalker/Feral, Chuck with Firewalker/Golbins. Chuck got the first eighth, with Rich following closely after. Chuck found his Firewalker mages getting killed and buried with Rich doing the killing, and Jim burying. Finally, despite a good Goblin maneuver roll, Rich held firm on his eighth face. He killed the last of Chuck's Firewalker mages in one round, causing the terrain to turn down to 7. Since no one was in reserves at the time, all Rich had to do was get 4 points of gold magic (which he easily did), and Path a unit over for the win.

The second game, Jim stayed with the same army, Rich switched to all Coral Elves, and Chuck tried a Firewalker/Goblin army. Quickly each had an eighth face. Some Lightning Strikes and Fingers of Dead started flying, but no one could kill enough to keep them from coming back quickly. Jim started turning up the fourth terrain, and hoped when he got it to 6 to use Night Moves to turn it twice and win the game. A Lightning Strike on a Lich, and a Firebolt on a Apparition left him with trying to get 9 points of magic with a Apparition and 3 Dracoliches. Didn't quite make it. Rich and Chuck both moved their cavalry troops into place and opposed Jim on the seventh face. Chuck got first shot at taking it, and with a Transmute Rock to Mud on Rich, and a Wind Walk on his army, took the eighth.

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March, 2002

Games Plus closed at 8pm, instead of the usual 10:30. So the game never really got finished. Pat won on health in play, but it was still early in the game.

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February, 2002

Battlefest brought out the usual strange armies. But more important for this four player game, it brought 7 black Wyrms. Those Wyrms saw a lot of action. Jim was pretty much wiped out of the game. The other three of us each had an eighth face. Game was won by most health in play (again!). High point of the game was 3 out of 4 of Jim's Dragonlords taming 3 out of 6 black Wyrms! So instead of having 60 points of dragon damage to face, he only had to face 18!

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January, 2002

Standard 36-health tournament style game. Had a 3 player game. Chuck won with his Feral horde (all-Feral army). Pat's Amazon archers were a bit of a threat, but couldn't seem to ever hit the hidden Feral. Rich lost most of his army in the first turn due to those archers, and spent the rest of the game trying to come back. Second game ended up a long drawn out game and was called on time. Each of us had an eighth face. Rich tried several times with Pat's help to dislodge Chuck's army from the eighth in order to win on eighth face and health in play. Pat had too many buried by then. Rich ended up by winning by killing a mere 3 health of Chuck's army and having the most health in play by one health.

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